Sunday, November 24, 2013



  1. This needs more corpses. Not enough corpses. Like, hands coming up from the ground and eyeballs smeared on the walls for starters.
    Nice simple perspective with interesting lighting. You could probably push it a little darker in some of the corners and cast shadows to make it pop more.

  2. I like the soft lighting created with that textured brush. There are a few spots (on the second coffin and in the upper corner of the room) where some of the lighter brush strokes don't make sense with the overall value scheme. I like the texture they create, but the value doesn't seem to fit those specific spots. I agree that some areas could go darker, especially for a creepy location like this.

  3. Creepy! I agree with Bronson that there are some value issues on the coffins/the ceiling above the coffins, but I like the overall texture you were going for. Maybe try and incorporate into the linework itself. Right now it looks like your lines are floating on top of the texture background. Being a little clearer in your shadows and lights would help as well. Keep going!

  4. This is so spooky, but really great. I like the eerie-ness of the lighting; there's a lot of good contrast, but at the same time it seems like there isn't any... I like it!! My only critic would be that I feel like the ceiling is falling in on the corner. It's a little heavy?
