Monday, November 25, 2013

Chad Lindsay Value Environment

Here it is!


  1. Strong composition. I like that the pillar on the left keeps us inside the picture plane. The perspective looks spot-on. The soft lines on the ceiling show some texture and personality of the environment while reinforcing the linear perspective. The values seem to be working well. The only part that's distracting to me is the car on the far right. It feels out of place in line quality and value when compared to everything else in the scene. My eye wants to make it a focal point, but it feels too far off the page for that.

  2. I really like the environment you chose but I think you might have to play a bit more with the perspective of the car in the foreground. The car doesn't quite match the rest of the perspective but the environment is really great!

  3. I agree with my compadres; your perspective feels quite believable, and I would work on that close car to strengthen it. If it was parked like the one in the background, I would think it would need to be parallel to the horizon. But if you wanted it driving around the corner, I might bring it closer to the middle and further down. That might solve the focal point issue.

  4. I really like what you did with the light, it really gives it that parking garage feel. I also agree with what has been said about wanting a focal point. GIve us a dead body or a motorcycle to look at or just move that car. The ground also looks really slick and I'm not sure if that's what you're going for or not, but I do like some of the textures you're starting to get.
